How can I be a mom?

My eldest daughter told me today: “Mom, why don’t you write a book about being a mom?”

🤣 I could not stop laughing. 🤣

I told my daughter: “The book you want me to write would have just one sentence… How to survive and fight the thoughts of feeling the worst mom alive?”

I will tell you the truth. In my first pregnancy I felt that I did not deserve the child I was going to give birth to. After I had my first child, I did not feel I was a mom for a very, very long time. Even with my friends and family telling me: “you are a great mom.” I could not believe it. I feared to be the same mom, my mother was to me. My own mother was very disconnected and always working.

My eldest daughter and I.

My second preganancy all I could think about is how alone I was in the process of my pregnancies. During my second pregnancy my husband’s sister was pregnant and being pampered by her parents in front of my eyes. It really opened my eyes to feel resentment for wanting to have my family pamper me during my own pregnancy. I was loosing my grandmother (real mother) and my grandfather had already died. My biological father had moved to Florida and my mother was still working non-stop (she always said she had no time for anything else.) I had not had a present mom. I was always taken care of by others in the family. My biological mother dedicated herself to her education and career completely. So, I expected to be a disconnected mom just like I learned from my mom, with my own kids.

My second daughter with her Dad showing her Sunday School work.

My third pregnancy for a long time I fought against having any other children. I imagine me forgetting my child in the backseat of the car because three would be too much for me to manage. I already felt so incapable of managing 2, imagine adding one more. Oh, how wrong was I!!! When we decided to homeschool the Lord used a beautiful well behaved little homeschooler (this family’s third child) to open my heart to having another child. This toddler was changing my perspective on family life. As part of a Homeschooling group we all went to a theater to watch a play. Oh! Wow! How the Lord opened my eyes that day. The theater was full of regular school children and the front area of the auditorium had all homeschooling children and their parents. You could perceive the difference between the regular school children and the homeschooling children. The homeschooling children where all well behaved and ready to watch the play. The regular school children where ready to jump up and down and scream all over the place. They where so loud and exalted, it seem like they needed to go to a park to let go of all that energy. When you watched all the homeschooling waiting with patience and order to see the play, speaking low among themselves, without abandoning their assign seating there was a huge difference. I could see homeschooling had something different that made me believe in a different way to deal with children. I can only imagine that what made all the difference is the Love, the acceptance, the time invested, the getting to know who is your child, the investing in their future with whatever helps them grow in wisdom, and in truth. These homeschooler really taught me that a child that is seen by their parents is so full of love and acceptance that makes all the difference in society with their well behave attitude. No need to impress outside to earn the love and attention they crave from no time at home with parents. (Remember I was that child that needed to impress the outside world, because the love and attention I craved from the one that bore me, I never received it.)

I am writing about this almost 4 years after this event. I can see today when I look at my children that only LOVE and our effort to know their strength and weaknesses can make them better each and every day. I always try to do better at loving and guiding them with an open heart to get to see them, and not what I want to imagine they are.

My husband’s heart was always ready, he is the second child of three. My eldest was also praying for years for another child.

That little child in that little moment at a play opened my heart to have another child of my own. The love and peace she showed and the security she found in being stuck to her mom at all times before, during, and after the play confronted me! Its a baby! She was waiting to watch a play silently, interested, aware and she was at all times in perfect peace and order. What a difference! I wanted this! 😍

My own little homeschooled toddler “stuck to me at all times.” What a blessing of hope she has been to all in such a time as this! “Pandemic Baby”

Even when feeling completely unprepared and so not capable of filling the shoes of someone being called a mother. The Lord shortly after opened my womb again and I was pregnant with our third child. This process was used to heal my harden heart about my own capabilities of leading my own children in a world of continued change and uncertainty, all because JESUS was giving me the go ahead in His perfect peace that surpasses all understanding, and to believe He was guiding my family, and securing our steps each day.

Yes! A woman can be called a mother and not really feel, act, and be a real mother. If we let the Lord be the center of our hearts. Jesus heals us and uses every hurt for our childrens good, edification, and blessings.

Praying for you…

May the Lord bless your family with unity and peace. May the Lord edify every area of your family’s life to be transformed for all your good. May You see Jesus making all things new inside and out within your family’s unity. May all hearts be edified and healed inside out to shine Jesus glory more and more.

Jesus loves you and so do I.

In His time, He makes it all new and worth the wait.

Lets BELIEVE to be set FREE

Believe = Received

I live to make Jesus known.

When you intentionally decide daily to walk for the King of kings you are literally choosing a way that is different. When you decide to take your prayer intentionally and say YOUR WILL AND NOT MY WILL BE DONE, expect to be amazed!

“I can just imagine the disciples faces when Jesus set people free, open blind eyes, hugged a leper and cleansed His life inside out, delivered people from suffering, and healed the incurable.”

In my own walk of faith after a baptism of water and fire 11 years ago I have never stopped wanting to experience more and more of Jesus. I can say that my heart healing was in stages and not at all fulfilled in my baptism.

11 years later God decided to heal my mind from trauma suffered in my early twenties falling from a moving golf-cart. I could feel the Lord was completing what He started in my brain a while back.

How did this healing came to be? One night of desperation I was having suicidal thoughts and confessed my thoughts to my husband and God gave him discernment to find a preaching I needed to hear that night. In our desperation because of this horrible spiritual attack on my life we encountered the God of miracles for my own life.

Look at the contrast, God moves when there is real hunger, desire, and need for Him. In my desperation when my husband prayed for me led by the pastor online: I was completely healed and set free from physical trauma to my brain.

Now you are asking, how do you know this?

Years of having problems understanding how to plan, whenever you would ask me to follow directions with big manuals and curriculums that I purchased for my daughters homeschooling, I could not understand. I tried everything to understand and would end up finding other people or even other manuals to understand the curriculum. I would read certain books, especially the Holy Bible, and I could not understand what I was reading.

Oh, BUT GOD! He did it! In one prayer of desperation due to suicidal thoughts I was completely set free from that affliction. I had felt the power of God move in the presence of that pastor’s anointing, during the prayer my brain moved and I knew that something had changed forever.

The next day I tried my brain. The pastor had encouraged the ones healed should challenge their healing by doing things they could not do before. I did! I started reading everything I did not understand before! It WORKED! I was so amazed! How God uses everything for our good. I am so thankful for that spiritual attack in my life. I can think and act differently now.

Praise Jesus! Praise Jesus! Praise Jesus!

Remember that if you decide to believe you also can receive. So if you have ever been through a traumatic accident where your brain might have been compromised or hurt, lets pray for your own miracle!

Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit I come boldly to the throne of grace for the person reading this message. As you did for me, whatever healing this person needs I come asking you to pour out your fire of healing and restoration in Jesus name. Amen.

Jireh – His provision

I share this to encourage all that choose to believe. Its hard in times like these to choose to remain in Jesus.

I need to let you know that God will provide every time from His riches in glory even when it seems impossible.

In this season I have a toddler and this is the only diaper her skin accepts. Because of “Puerto Rico’s truck drivers’ strike” merchandize is not moving, our daughter’s diapers could not be found. I do not know if this impact is limited to Puerto Rico because in Amazon these diapers prices have been inflated to twice their original price.

Well I started praying and explaining to others what happened. How I used to pay .20 cents per diaper and now I am being ask to pay .60 cents per diaper. My awesome mom said: “forget about Amazon, go to local pharmacies.” I did!

To remind you I am only sharing this to encourage you and to give God all the glory. I know I am but God’s vehicle to share His way in my live so He can do it again in your life.

As I went to two different stores and only found these two diaper bags at a better price, I started praying. Yes, I believe in praying at all times for all circumstances without ceasing. I confess that I have so much in my plate in this season, my prayer life has decreased a lot. In this moment of need I again asked my Father in heaven. Where do I go now? I started thinking. As His Spirit always speaks to me through numbers, I saw this number: 453 on a license plate. I searched for my bible and their it was, the Word I needed to read to believe that he would provide in these circumstances:
“And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by

thy name, am the God of Israel.” Isaiah‬ ‭45:3‬ ‭KJV‬‬ 🥲 God is so good, God is so faithful to speak to us and guide us at all times. Its easier to know Him and His ways when we choose to remain connected to Him. (Reading His Word and praying for everyone that comes to mind and also by praising Him.)

In my minds eye I saw a specific Walgreens to visit, one I have only used on dire circumstances in the past. I will tell you that I found my daughter’s diapers and I bought just enough to leave some behind for another mom that may need them.

God can make a way when their seems to be no way. His riches in glory will be available for all who believe. Remain seeking, knocking, asking (Matthew 7:7) and may He provide all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1, Philippians 4).

I am praying with you right now believing with you for what you need…

Right now I am believing with you for your own needs. May the grace of our King of kings show you how His mercy in our provision in this season of your life. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Listen to God, He is faithful!

Our homeschooling journey has been a rollercoaster ride. Why?
I stopped to listen to the suggestion of well intended people above what God was saying. I forgot to stop looking around me and start looking for what my Creator sent me to do.


God was calling me to homeschool since my first born was not yet in school. I was definitely NOT LISTENING because it meant a lot of work and teaching. Teaching was something I swore I would NEVER DO! I also just kept listening to the voices of men telling me how it could not be done. It was better at the time and easier to listen to them, than that still small voice telling me to Homeschool. I should have learned from that!!! Yet I kept my kids at school. It cost my kid to be brutally bullied at school and beaten by a boy that learned at home that hitting a girl is acceptable.

God and His amazing GRACE surrounded us with amazing people that would help my child channel her emotions and forgive that boy. These wonderful individuals that really spoke life and love into her helped us all through that tuff season.

I ask God to tell us what was next. God showed me how he wanted to homeschool my kids. What did I do again? After a great start with Him as my guide I started to hear the “encouragers” tell me how Abeka was too hard or would be too much or suggestions that I could be doing something more interactive. Did I learn the first time to stick and listened to God, NO!!! This only confused us more and made us doubt our own capabilities to be guided by Holy Spirit in all our academic daily work load. Yes, God needed me doing Abeka because this is how He showed me that He is the one to give us the wisdom, the order, the ability, the excellence, the encouragement, the guidance, the breakthroughs, and the structure we all need to learn as a family.

Today I see how much better it is to listen to our Father in Heaven above other voices. People are always well intended, yet God has His own ways for you and for me. His ways as always meant to edify us. Always trust God’s ways because when He walks with us He is the one to guide and encourage along the way. When God is present everything works out for the best of all that are walking according to His purpose.

In this seasons of life homeschooling is our call to build a home on Jesus firm foundation. His peace is worth every up and down moment of every day. To trust your Father in heaven in the midst of the discouragement and doubts is the key for a better life for everyone involved.

Amazing adventure to see the love in sharing.

The Way in His plans

Plans the Lord has are way better than our own plans.

He is the Way so He knows the best available option. Ask! Seek!

I lived in misery, wanting to die (suicidal thoughts every day all my teen years and early twenties). I could not think of my original dream of having a big family because of all the horrible news that the world had to offer. I said to myself: “why bring a child into this fallen world?” I said: “why would I let them suffer as I also suffered.” So in my mind there was no hope for a future in this chaotic world for many years. Yet, JESUS had a better plan for my life all along! Wow and what a plan to change my mind!!! (Blessings that we do not deserve.)

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Jeremiah 29:11 ESV

This bible verse comes to life today as I acknowledge how The Lord used our first born daughter to bring us together as a family. God brought hope and a future. If it was for me and my husband we would not have lasted and made our matrimony possible. We were too immature and all about video games and having fun with our friends.

Our Father’s (God’s) plans of gifting us the blessing of our first born re-routed our lives in such a profound way. This morning, as I meditate on His promise, I am so in awe remembering this moment that started to change everything. His promises (written in the Holy Bible) supersede everything we could choose for our own lives. As I see my first born bloom into such a wonderful young lady, full of faith and wisdom from above is such a gift from heaven. All by His surpassing grace and not bay anything her father and I could have built in her. Yes, this world is different, but so are we. We empower her with love, giving her a voice, respect, and honor while we all learn to WAIT ON THE LORD for His goodness in the midst of the ups and the downs this life has to offer.

Whenever we miss the mark of love, we apologize and try again with all our hearts. No one is perfect and bringing baggage into our homes is normal. This is why God’s grace helps us be healed and restored to do it better than our own parents. We are far away from perfect but everyday praying for access to Jesus perfect love that cast out all fear from our midst. 🥰 His promises never return void.☀️ What a hope I can teach my children in the midst of a discouraging world.

Trust = walking on water = courage. Its never easy, this is faith… Trusting Jesus even when you can’t see the outcome because He will prove His faithfulness by guarding us in the midst of the fear, doubt, and the uncertainty.

He said GO, and we WENT. Traveling with my girls starting Covid season, trusting Jesus. We all know He is faithful. Believing Psalm 91 promises all the way.

God has the ONE for you

On December 25 2005 , I felt so depressed, so alone,and so tired from all the toxic relationships I had permitted myself to have for years. This day was a fork on the road, I felt it was enough of TOXIC and I decided to express my anger to God. I told God: “I deserved good people in my life since I was a good child.” I kept saying some really rough words to God in my anger and frustration. I was crying and really pleading to be heard.

That same night I wrote a friendly e-mail to five different people men and women on a “social media platform.” It was actually a Blogging/Messenger website. I saw their stories, blogs, pictures and decided to see who seem to walk towards love and family. It was decided, I needed new positive people in my life. Amazing enough, that same night, out of all the people I contacted, only one answered, MY NOW HUSBAND OF 13 years.

Something cool about this testimony is that my husband that same day did the same prayer in a very different way from His side of the world.

Through testimonies like this one Jesus can make it possible for you to experience this truth that sets us free from unbelief.

🙏Let me pray for you…

May the Lord open the way to meet that God fearing person in your life that will bring love, transformation, faith, hope, and peace. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

💞Jesus loves you and so do I.

1… 2… 3… Grace

Grace is so powerful

How is this word so powerful.

I am a sinner in need of a savior.

I may try every day to be better, yet I fail daily.

The only perfection in everything is God.

To understand that GRACE is UNMERITED favor. To know we are UNDESERVING of our salvation, yet JESUS chose to suffer and take the place of a murderer on the cross to show us that SALVATION is HIM.

Yes we can live a life of sacrifice through religious ways and not be in relationship with Jesus.


The cross is mercy over sacrifice.

The cross is grace over law.

The cross is LOVE.

The cross is GOD choosing unmerited favor be granted to all who choose to believe in Jesus Christ as their only Lord and Savior.

We can live a blessed life on this side of eternity. How? Repent and be baptize and choose to Love your neighbor as you love yourself.

This means:

Let say I am your neighbor, I scream at my kids. (I am a homeschool mom, its bound to happen sometimes.) Careful not to stumble by judging me, please!!! I am imperfect!!! (Just giving an example.) I can stumble. I am NOT perfect. Remember God will be working on my character for the rest of my life. Just because I am Christian, it does not mean I am perfect. I fail and I stumble just like everyone else. Its how fast I choose to get back UP of that rut or failure that make us live in HOPE, FAITH, and LOVE.

Is God going to love me less for stumbling. NO(this is grace).

God knows my sins past, present, and FUTURE.

Do you really think you can shock your Creator?

God is not SHOCKED

Is God going to stop helping me for thinking wrong of people? NO(grace), yet He does ask us to repent and turn to Him to be washed from our evil ways. Basically the more of Jesus in my walk of life, then I will be silencing the voices of defeat, sadness, rejection, emptiness and so on…

To live by GRACE = unmerited favor.

We need to grow in Jesus Love daily. When we grow in His love we choose what HE loved more than our desires. This helps us build a life full of peace that surpasses all understanding.

If you choose to follow JESUS…

Its a MUST to read your BIBLE daily. Please READ READ READ even when you can’t understand. Your soul is being nourished even when your mind does not understand it yet.

May the Lord bless you. May you have eyes to see and ears to hear how much He loves you daily even when you and I do not deserve it.


“…, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.” Zechariah‬ ‭4:6‬ ‭KJV‬‬
Its all God, I can’t do this without His grace. 💖

What a mission to work and mold our character as parents and as sons and daughters of God.
I live thanking Jesus for the day He woke me up to understand that homeschooling was possible. He used Michelle Marie and many other ladies to teach me what is to be brave and to choose your kids well being above commodity. In my case the reason for homeschooling came from violence at school. No, it was not bullying, it was not words. My girl got to my arms covered in purple bruises throughout all her body.

Yes we went for all the weight of the law to inflict the pain we wanted others to feel we where going through. Yet, Jesus set us free from desiring our own earthly corrupted justice and gave us a better moment of education and taught the other parents and their child what mark of LOVE and emotional support they where missing. God gave us all closure and also set us on a new journey called Homeschooling.

My priorities for a while where to get a title and a career in nursing. During this time while I was too busy following the vanity of life, others taught my kids: “How is not necessary to listen to your parents.” 💔 Yep, this happens! God was so good to permit a horrible affliction in my life, through my own bad choices to stir me in a new path to LOVE others and my family the right way. 💝

We can use our highs and lows to edify others. This is why I take my time to share a bit of our journey. May it be for your encouragement and to bless you. 💓

Access the Kingdom daily

What are you believing God to be?

God’s promises include us walking in His Love.

God’s promises include us walking in His goodness.

God’s promises include us walking in His faithfulness.

God’s promises include us walking in His joy.

God’s promises include living in abundance.

God has promises all over His awesome Word (Holy Bible) to bless our way and to prosper our life the way only He can make our soul prosper.

So now, the question would be:

How do I access this promises?

This promises require obedience to God. How?

Jesus came and explained the Kingdom of God…

Repent every day because we are sinners in need of a savior and only Jesus can work on our character for daily transformation. Amazing! God created the moon, the stars, the earths vegetation, animals, all creation in 7 days, yet He decides to work on us daily. We are all His unfinished masterpieces.

What gives God access to our life daily?

We have to decide to tell Jesus daily that we need Him and to repent of our sins to enter the Kingdom of God as a Child of God. Jesus gave us access to the Kingdom by His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary. The Blood of the Lamb (true passover Lamb) was Jesus that took away the sins of the world. We have to decide if we want to believe this and live a life full of amazing adventures with God. As you read your Holy Bible you will see. God permits the testing of our faith through afflictions, yet we do not live our whole lives in afflictions. Its important to God to test our faith to know is we are willing to remain faithful to God’s ways and not to the world’s ways.

To remain in this Kingdom we daily repent of our sins, spend time reading the Holy Bible, and live thanking God for the good and the bad in prayer. When we pray we should pray in private for everyone and everything that weights in our hearts. God wants to converse with us. When we pray, He is expecting a relationship. So, speak to God, how you would a trusted friend or family member.

Prayer for you today…

🌈 Jesus loves you, Jesus loves you, Jesus loves you. God wants to amaze you with His goodness, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, self-control. Give yourself a chance to experience what it is to be molded by your Creator’s love. Whenever we access God’s kingdom we get to live from this character traits that only point that you clothed yourself with Jesus righteousness that morning. ☀️

May you reign in life at the feet of Jesus. To submit to our Father in heaven means living in peace that surpasses all understanding. Careful who you share your life with, their words could determine life or death daily. 🔥

Dwelling = enter His rest

In the beginning Adam and Eve through sin seeking their own (earthly, limited) KNOWLEDGE broke the intimate relationship God wanted to have with all mankind. In the garden, before their sin, Adam and Eve lived in an intimate relationship with God, where He walked with them in the garden. This garden was created for all of us to have access to an intimate relationship with our Creator. Yet after sin came into the world, access to have intimacy with God was no longer available.

What would change this circumstances?

God made us with the purpose of relationship not to manipulate us or use us. God did not want to be an angry distant God. God wanted to remain close to you and to participate in our daily tasks and use our talents for His awesome plans on this earth. God wants us to learn how to love Him and learn also to love and serve one another.

This is where relationship with Jesus comes in. All religions ask you for works to be saved and have “peace.” Yet our true Creator decided to do all the work for us by sending His son to die for our sins (all of them, past and present) to clean us from our fallen world and invite us to connect with Him in intimacy. How? Well you just have to BELIEVE in Jesus Christ. When you decide to BELIEVE this makes you automatically a Child of God, a new creation the old things have gone and the new have come.

When you accept Jesus into your heart you decide to enter the relationship God always wanted you to have with Him. In this relationship He offers many blessings, yet it does come with many tests along the way. The good news is that Jesus died on the cross to bear the burdens of this world for you. In intimacy you can lay down your life for His purpose to be fulfilled and enter a rest that gives you peace in every circumstance.

Praying for you today…

May the blood of the Lamb of God silence the lies of this world today and everyday. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. 💝

☀️Jesus loves you and so do I.🌈